
Can you imagine
an event based
on sharing our
greatest learnings
after years of experience?

This is the Knowlede Exchange Event! 🤝

Meet strategic contacts,
learn from them
and grow your business
like great entrepreneurs do
without spending too much time
searching for contacts
and without being embarrassed
to talk to strangers.

Know More About the Event 👇👇


Discover Strategic Contacts

Meet the kind of people who make you and your project grow


Learn and Share your Knowledge

Learn from the experience of others and share yours with them


Avoid the Embarrassment

Follow our dynamics and avoid the embarrassment of engaging in conversations with strangers.


Meet People Fast

Don’t wait years to build your network of contacts

1️⃣Welcome and host introduction

At the beginning the host will introduce you to the space and make a brief explanation of the event.

2️⃣Brief presentation of a community member

A member of the event will share an important experience and learning for him in his journey as an entrepreneur or in different projects.

3️⃣Networking and Knowledge Exchange

We will share some food and drink together and share our experiences with each other. We will all wear an “ask me about sticker”.

How does it work?

Discover a unique dynamic in the world of networking: the knowledge exchange and the “ask me about sticker”

Introducing the "ask me About sticker"

Have you ever worn the typical “hello my name is” sticker?

Well, it’s something very similar but instead of saying that it says: “ask me about…” and leaves a blank space for the person to express the topic they want to be asked about.

This has two main advantages:

👉 Everyone will very quickly identify what they can learn from the person in front of them.

👉 Starting the conversation will be very easy because everyone will want to be asked about their area of expertise.

When and Where?

The event will take place on January 16, Thursday, in Ulab Alicante at 17:30h, in the downstairs room.
